I have noticed a fair amount of interest in the 818 from possible FFR repeat customers. Folks who might be more knowledgeable on V8 American iron. While all the tech specs on these Subarus are easy to Google and find out, sometimes it's the little everyday stuff that makes just as much impact.

Motors, gearboxes and eventually brakes are going to have multiple threads dedicated to them. These things prolly won't.

Also, not knowing exactly what FFR is going to re-use and what is going to be in the kit, I'd figure we can use this thread to throw out those seemingly non-important factoids and details.

Tidbit #1:

'02-'03 WRX seats are very good, generally considered the most supportive of any Subaru factory seat. They however look like regular Ma-and-Pop Camry seats, with a squared off top and separate headrests.

'04-'07 WRX and STI seats look very sporty with tall, tapering seatbacks and integrated headrests. They would likely fit the style of the 818 very well and pretty much look like an aftermarket sports seat. They, however, are generally regarded as less supportive than the '02-'03 WRX seats.