I'm all signed up I see Wayne beat me to the signup, entry list here: http://www.nasa-se.com/champlist.php

Come on boys and girls, sign up by April 30 to get good discount!!!!

Registration page for East coast Nats: http://www.nasaproracing.com/event/1863
More info here: http://nasachampionships.com/east/

Please note, entry fees go up each month.

Entry Fees - Racing
$549 through April 30
$599 through May 31
$699 through June 30
$799 in July and August
$299 Supersize for second entry

Thursday Test/Tune: $299 - Limited Space! Open to all registered Racers and Time Trialers.
Time Trial Friday Test/Tune: $249 - Very Limited Space! Open to Those entered in TT.