Hello anybody who may read this post! I have just started by 818c build and thought it may be a good idea to be a bit more public about my latest project; especially considering I'll most likely need quite a bit of help. A little about myself...... I know very little about cars. I grew up as a small engine mechanic with the family business, so I am very comfortable around a variety of tools and understand how engines work. My dad and I were always building something, so I have a fair amount of experience with a variety of fabrication methods, BUT I know very little about cars besides the fact that I love to drive fast and make a lot of noise. The biggest reason I wanted to build this car is because I'm assuming that by the time I'm done, my knowledge about how cars work will be significantly improved. I purchased my parts from Wayne and have had a lot of opportunity to clean them up because it took quite a long time for my kit to arrive once I ordered it. I'll post a few pics of some of the parts and some more of the build as I progress. Wish me luck!