MONDAY, JUNE 13, 2011 7:13 AM, PDT

A Good Weekend......
Andy had a restful weekend, and enjoyed several trips outdoors to bask in the warm sunshine. Andy found great cause to celebrate (as a few of you have already mentioned), the news headline, "Corvette Wins LeMans!" Around our house, this is BIG news, and Andy was noticeably pleased at the news. We're endurance racers at the very core, and winning LeMans (and beating Ferrari) is considered the Holy Grail for American racing. On Andy's behalf, "Woo! Hoo!"

Physical and speech therapy continued over the weekend, and it seems he's finally caught up on his sleep enough to enjoy interacting with folks for up to thirty minutes at a time. He still dozes off from time to time, but he wants to interact, and we're all becoming fluent in jiberish.

Andy enjoyed visits from Evan and Kendall twice this weekend, and he was very happy to share some wonderful time with several of you here. Thank you! We all enjoy reading the Guestbook each day, and your daily posts sending along so many memories from the fun you had together, as well as the good wishes for Andy and our family, are simply wonderful.

We'll keep everyone posted on the medical progress, as this week will bring a better idea of the treatment plan as we move into the next few weeks.

Thank you, and we hope you have a great day!!