(No kit car yet, just family)

I would love to build a MkIV.

I would like to power the MkIV with a solid V8. Great horse power and torque, but solid enough to be a daily driver to work.

Currently, we have a Ford Expedition EL, and a minivan. Not the most fun vehicles to drive, but it's what serves to take care of the family. I've followed Factory 5 since I was in college, and learned about them from the back of Car and Driver. I hoped to buy a kit after college, but live moved fast, and there was never enough time or money. I would love to involve my family in the build, I think it would be a great family project (not sure the wife would agree). It would be great to teach the kids what they can do, how to build/fix things on their own, and turn a kit into an awesome car! Plus, I'd rather have them using real world skills instead of playing Minecraft, Pokémon Go or Candy Crush! My two year old, Gracie, already can use a screw driver to turn screws, and when I walked away from installing a shelf, I saw her pick up my 2' level and pencil, and make a straight line (although not level). She's my shadow. I can't buy a kit right now, no matter how much I want to. But eventually, piece by piece, dollar by dollar, I'll get there. This would go a long way.