I’d like to echo what tim said about wraps. My best friend owns a wrap shop.

Many people think they will wrap one to save money. That’s not true. First is the body work. You need at least a good sealer as the final coat for the vinyl to adhere properly. As Tim said, you must have it just as perfect as for paint. So you save nothing in body work. A basic no graphic wrap will run 1500-2k (unless it is a color that the vinyl comes in naturally, and wrap vinyl is limited). It’s that much because it must still be printed and laminated. Any graphics you’ll then pay for design time on top of that. In the end, it doesn’t take much and then you are more expensive than paint for basic stuff. You won’t see a money savings. Even the very intricate graphics work takes hours and hours of design time. And they are an artist just as much as the airbrush guys.

In short, the cheap vinyl that comes in premade colors, and installed yourself, would save you some money, but would look terrible. That stuff is thin, stretched too thin on corners and can see the base layer under it, isn’t laminated with a clear top, isn’t UV stable and will fade quickly.