I was working on the car in the garage and my wife stops me and tells me I have to have the talk with my son. He came home from school terrified of what he saw and heard today from his friends. They were apparently watching a youtube video of animals and they were pretty detailed. I started laughing and my wife said no you really have to talk with him.

So I have the seats out of the car in the plastic by my work bench and me and my son sat down by the car in the roadster seats and had a good talk. I didnt try to sugar coat it and shot straight with him on all the topics and questions he had. It was a good talk and he trusts me so it was a pretty open conversation. He was pretty mortified for the first part of the evening but he is better and more comfortable since the talk.

I cant think of a cooler way to have this big part of both of our lives shared over a cool car, in roadster seats, and in the garage. My oldest is becoming a man. I love that I get to be a dad. My dad let me down my whole life and bailed when I was a toddler. This is a chance for me to get to share with him all the things I missed out on.

Truly the value of these cars and this hobby is greater than the sum of the cars value in parts or cash. This was a big day for both of us.