Realized it has been 8 months since the last post...and it has been longer than that since we really worked on the 818. Since moving, we have not really gotten back into working on the car at all. We sat down about a month ago and worked for a few hours, and wrote out a punch list of sorts to complete the car...but alas, no energy.

Liam has started a new job at the local Honda Dealership in Express Tech, and started a VoTech program to become a certified ASE mechanic. It's about an 18 month in the morning and work until 7 each night. Needless to say his comment about "after working on other peoples cars all day, I have not energy to work on the 818 when I am home" struck a nerve with me. The car is more disassembled now then ever, so we could properly finish the build before registration.

I am at a crossroads...neither of us really like working on the project anymore, and my wife says sell it. I feel like if I could work on it a few hours a week, it would be done in a month or so. Would it be better to finish it and get the registration in Florida or sell it as is?
