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Thread: Phoenix area chassis dolly or buck?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2020
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    Phoenix area chassis dolly or buck?

    Hi all,

    Just a few more months until I take delivery of my MK4 roadster complete kit. Before I start work on building a chassis dolly or body buck, does anyone local have either of these that they don't want anymore? Also, is there a cobra community in the Phoenix metro area? I'm based in Fountain Hills and would love to get involved so I can see others' cars and begin to get some ideas of what I'm going to do with my own build. Thanks!

  2. #2
    Junior Member MasterAnubis's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2021
    Tempe, AZ, USA
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    Yes, there is a good group here in the Valley. I normally don't go to regional discussions here or I would have seen this sooner.

    There is a lot posted on the ClubCobra forums in the Arizona section. There is a presence on FaceBook too, Arizona Cobras. I'm new to the group but I know there is a wide range of examples in our group.

    "Yes, I could buy one. But then I wouldn't get to build one."

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