Well finally got the kit Oct 14th. Took the first whole day just going through the item list making sure I got everything. A couple things it said I was supposed to have that I didn't so that'll be sorted out soon enough. Unfortunately do to work sending me out of town more often lately I'm not gonna have a ton of time to work on the car but so far it's been a fun experiance

So now after 4 days of work (1 being an inventory day lol) here's the status so far
IMAG0146_BURST002 - Copy.jpg

Shocks were very tight to get put together so I ended up just leaving the threaded sheathing in the sun for a bit and then after it just slid right on.
Putting the master cylinder in place I just found out is gonna be tricky since the 1 inch bolts that go through barely make it past the pedal frame and are right against the piece were I can't get a bolt into. I think I need to just find some lond bolts to hole in place. Anyone else having this problem?

Other than that little things here and there like spacers too big or brackets modified I'm finding and with much help from others on the forums.