Nothing particularly exciting or technical this week, just an update.

We have 8 things on our list to get accomplished this long weekend:

Install Group N motor mounts
Install Group N transmission mount
Install upper radiator mounts from Mechie3
Install steering column spacer from Rori
Complete cooling lines
Modify rear firewall and install
Install Lokar E-Brake Handle
and install anti-corrosion felt things on the battery posts (gotta include the easy stuff, makes it easy to cross things off)

As of quitting time last night we have 5.5 of them done.

Motor and Trans mounts installed:

IMG_0612.jpg IMG_0611.jpg

I'm very glad I decided to put these on. They are substantially stiffer than the original old mounts from the donor. It would have been a lot easier to put them on before installing the engine, but I just decided recently to do it. Even at that, it only took a bit over an hour to do all three. Things are much more solid now.

Upper Radiator Mounts installed:


Steering column spacer installed and column shortened:


This is a big improvement for us comfort wise. With the hub and quick release installed the steering wheel was really too close. It should also look a lot better. Here is a picture before Rori's spacer as a comparison.


The firewall is only half done. It is cut and riveted back together, but not yet installed. That will get finished on Monday


The picture of the firewall looks pretty bad with all the hand/finger prints on it. I'll clean it up for the installed picture.

No picture of the felt things on the battery terminals, nothing too exciting there. I do find they work well on every car I've used them on.

We should have no problem finishing our remaining 2.5 items on Monday. Fingers crossed .

We are really close to firing this thing up for the first time.
