After Frank mentioned ducting I just couldn't get it out of my mind. Spent a few hours today making cardboard templates, need to pick up some aluminum tomorrow. Since the only bodywork on the bumper can be done while it's installed, and the fenders don't require any, it can all be installed and left installed until I'm ready to wrap it after registration. Pics on the ducting tomorrow.

Almost finished with reshaping the side scoop to the intercooler, so I decided to cut some foam and start mocking up the side plates. In my head I wanted full width, but now I'm unsure. Might go in an inch, or perhaps add a curve. If left full width I'd make a vertical "fin" at the back to tie into the wheel arch. The front will also have a plate of fin to tie into the front fender as it needs a mount since its to wide now to mount to the side sail. So I'm looking for feedback, both negative and positive.