Bill S is right. If you've got a bare frame that is rusty that could be a deal breaker for me. If it has been stored in a good environment and everything is in decent condition that could be worth while. If you have a chance to survey the project in person that would be the best way. If you don't feel comfortable making the evaluations have someone you know or someone is willing to look it over with a critical eye. It also depends on whether the guy is willing to negotiate. You didn't say what was being asked. If he says 15k firm, I would walk away if the project is ragged. If he is negotiable then you might pick it up for 12k. It depends on his needs and the condition of the project. There are just too many variables. If it's in great shape, motor runs and all components and accessories are there then 15k might be worth it. Just having all the things together and ready to use on that particular project is a time saver. You will be investing time, labor (clean up, modifications, etc....) so that needs to be adjusted into the mix. If you buy a kit that is in bad condition you will regret all the extra work going forward. For instance, are the brake rotors calipers, and other small suspension parts already reconditioned or replaced. I got exactly the donor parts I wanted by picking them myself and reconditioning. So I'm not stuck with someone else's poor choice of components. That's a compromise you will have to consider as you may have to replace some of those. In your case, those throwaways would have no value.

You would have to include a lot of specifics to really get any accurate advice. Also, you have to decide how much is it worth to save time getting this started and will the time be well spent.

Good luck,