Well what I thought was the problem, is probably not the problem. After talking with John at Aviaid I was probably wrong in my theory of the problem.

First here's a graph of my track session. You can see the normal drop in oil pressure as the oil temp rises. Then suddenly the average oil pressure climbs and so does the oil temp until there is a dramatic increase oil temps and oil pressure falls way off. The oil pressure falls way off because I saw the temps climbing like crazy and backed off the throttle until I was coasting and the engine stopped running. I fired it back up right away and kept it idling and coasting as much as possible til I left the track, that restart is not on the graph:

Tonight I found this when checking the belt tension. Although it looked ok on the engine when I started turning the adjuster it didn't feel right:

Element Tuning dry sump does NOT provide engine pressure, but if it's not working right the engine block will fill with oil and could cause the rise in temps as the oil gets whipped by the crank. That might explain the sudden rise in temps if it broke and the pump wasn't spinning correctly. See the far right side of the graph.
