I'm curious to know WHY FFR set up their own forum, you already have FFCars at your disposal, for the very reason you gave everyone for creating this forum. I don't get it. In my opinion, that was a bad move. Now Factory Five is competing with the very forum that 1, helped make FFR so successful, in a huge way. 2, Went through a lawsuit for pretty much just being connected to FFR. ****** knows how important FFCars is to the success of FFR, so attacking the forum with a legal suit was a strategic move, that failed. I'm having trouble seeing why this forum was needed and can see what it's going to do to FFCars. One of the forums is going to die, it may not be tomorrow, but it will happen. Either this one won't completely catch on, or everyone from FFCars will eventually migrate over here. I'd just like to know why Factory Five did this, to me, it doesn't make any sense. If it was strictly a way to communicate the changes FFR owners would like to see to the cars and the parts, it would make sense. But the structure of this forum is almost identical to FFCars.
