I shipped the body off to Whitby in Greensboro today. They are a forum sponsor so I assume it is ok to mention them by name. I could not find anyone locally I trusted to do the body. I have a guy in Atlanta that has done work for me and does a great job but he estimated he would need the entire car for 6 months. Now I am not on a hard timeline but the thought of it being out of my hands for 6 months did not sound good. The pros for using them in my opinion were; 1. They have done a lot of these cars and the people I talked to that used them were very satisfied, 2. They have their own frame so they can do the bodywork while I build up to go cart stage and 3 I was very happy after speaking with Jeff about their process.
I am not completely decided but think when they are done with the bodywork I will take them the go cart and let them install the body. It would be additional expense but at that stage as I approach the finished product I believe it would be a worthwhile expense. Then I can bring the car home and do the finishing touches. Excited to get some sprayed color samples they are going to send me. I requested about 4 of the body color and 3 stripe colors so I can hone in on the final combination.