Well, I plan to get up early in the morning and spray the 2K. Hopefully this will be the last primer application before paint. Based on the sage advice of JeffK and JeffM, no more solvents to clean the car. I gave the car a whole week to flash off any solvents that might be trapped. Hopefully that minimizes the risk of issues down the road. I wiped the car down with a tack rag and will do one final tack rag wipe in the morning before spraying.

If you read my earlier posts, you saw I am using a turbine spray system by Apollo. The cup I had didn't allow angles other than just about vertical. Jeff Miller said I should be able to spray without having to hold the gun upside down. I did a couple of dry runs this week after work to practice. While pretending moving around I did find he was right. I can make it happen. Since I had to wait anyway and I had already ordered the H/O type PPS cup, I figured that I not only have better technique but I also have some equipment that will allow me some room for error. The new PPS cup came in Thursday and I tested it out. It worked great. Here is a comparison of the old cup and new. This is the large size if anyone cares.

The set up was easy. Just use the PPS cup like normal but connect the pressure port from the side of the gun to the bottom of the pressure cup. I tested it with water this time. IF you hold the gun upside down and pull the trigger, the air in the liner will be evacuated and the system will function just like a traditional spray gun system. Picture of the gun during the test.

Hopefully I will have good reports on how the system sprays tomorrow. Now keep in mind I only have a $30 Vaper primer gun to compare too and no prior experience so I am certainly not an expert. But, I will report how it turned out for a newbie.

On the safety front I have a Tyvek suit with boots and hood, a full face respirator, and some good gloves. Two box fans set up for positive pressure ventilation should provide good air flow. Feeling good about my protection

Here is the garage all set up.

Its a little cramped but I have played with the set up and this is about as good as it is going to get. Wish me luck