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Thread: 15" wheels and Pin drive in New Jersey

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    15" wheels and Pin drive in New Jersey

    I am about to order a 289 kit with FIA Pin Drive 15" wheels. Has anyone had experience with attempting to get a car inspected this way in New Jersey?

    Honestly, without these wheels the 289 Car would not look "period correct". Without that look I would rather forget it and do a 427 with 17" wheels, IRS etc. I have read a lot of posts about 15" wheels and some say no problems and others say problem with NJ. The issue is PIN drive makes it more difficult to swap wheels for the day and is Pin drive even legal in NJ?

    Thank you in advance

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    It's been a long time for me, but I had an MGB with pin drive wheels and no issues in NJ.

    As a practical matter, I can't believe that the state would have a problem with that style wheels. Certainly not enough that they would make them illegal.

    There has to be some NJ builders with pin drive wheels that can chime in and let you know more up to date info. I just wanted to share what little I knew.

    Good luck with your plan, it looks like a great build!



  3. #3
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    one of my friends has a backdraft cobra and it would not pass inspection with 15" wheels because if it had a flat the frame would hit.

  4. #4
    Mark Dougherty's Avatar
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    That would be due to the scrub area
    , not the pin drives
    If 2 tires are flat on 1 side no part of the frame can touch
    The traveling Builder

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