Well, this isn't going to be a normal question for the forum, but I am in search of some measurements of just the differential housing for the new S550 IRS.

I've searched high and low on the internet, mustang forums, etc. and can't come up with the data I need, or really any data. I've been lurking here for what seems like a decade (right from the start) and hope someone can help me out since FFR started using the modern IRS.

My dream car is still the Type 65, but unfortunately it is still out of my price range so the differential is for another project that has no aftermarket options for differentials and the small stock one wont survive long on its own behind a V8 hence the reason I shoved it in General...

If any of you have easy access to be able to get some rough measurements, that would be great - I don't want to drop the coin on something that wont work.

Length, width (at the axle stub opening) and height and if possible the distance between the stub CV's (looks like its pretty close to the width of the pumpkin ears from images so I could guess at that measurement)

If only I had access to FFR's cad file I'd have all the measurements I need, but that's not happening....

Thanks for anything I can get.