After a good wash, and tack, I gave a few spots a healthy dose of guide prime. A bit more than required...yes, but
it helps me to see the imperfections.

To my surprise, the side air duct turned out much better than expected considering all the parting lines, and steps
before the body work began. More filler, sanding, repeat.

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Easier to see the wave along the bottom where the three pieces join.
It wasn't as pronounced without the guide layer.
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Lots of work remains in the corners, and more pin holes after the last cleaning.
Spot putty should fix those I'd imagine.
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I used several light sources, with different angles, and intensities to find errors.
After this stuff cures, and shrinks, I'll add a thin layer of filler (or putty) to the low
areas, and block it again.
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Body guys really do earn their money. It's easy to see that I'm out of my league, but it's
going to have to suffice until I can afford the real thing.

It's going to be a long Winter spent in the garage.