hello everyone! I am thrilled to be part of this community. I have been reading the forum anonymously for about a year and only actually registered when I wanted to PM a member to ask him some questions. Thanks to Mark Eaton, fellow Oregonian, for responding. I enjoyed our chat last weekend.

As for me, I live in Eugene, Oregon but am originally from Texas. I have 3 kids (ages 9-14). I am a urologist, so feel free to send me your best jokes. My father already asked me if I was going to assemble the car through the tailpipe.

As for a build, I am still at the early planning stages for a Mk IV. My general timeline is to go to build school and order a kit sometime in the next year and then take 2 years to build it. I am hoping to finish before my oldest graduates high school.

Cannot overstate how impressed I am with the amount of information in these forums. Appreciate all of you. I plan to reciprocate with own build thread once I get started in 2021
