Help needed, been gone some time since sold first car, decided to have another go at it with a cyote build. Went pre owened this time ! But it comes with a hitch. This cars brakes primarily front seam to be dragging causing heat build up bringing car to a halt!! When I say stop I mean 460 hp can't move it, give it a half hour she cools down it will move for short distance before heating back up and locking. As stated I didn't build this one but what I have found out is this. Originally manual mustang brakes, later converted to willwood 6 piston fronts with wilwood e brake type rears with power booster, dont know who's booster or master. No bias adjustment. Eliminated E brake being out of adjustment. Also noticed how sensitive brakes are , touch them to hard and fast and your through the windshield !! thoughts I had was pushrod to long and applying brakes all the time, brake line getting to hot and expanding fluid!! I give up no reason for reaching out any thoughts ideas for advice would be appreciated