You being in FL reminded me of an item I overlooked in my build, which is window tinting. I had taken for granted that some UV / IR shield would be layered in both windscreen and hatch glass. Not so. So much easier to apply BEFORE installing the windscreen :-) Along with some visor tinting ...

I bounced around a lot on options and features to add after my FFR purchase was placed. FWIW, and maybe a bit of a guideline, major kit parts purchased from FFR and Factory Five Engines amounted to $49580. The other big ticket item was the Eight-Stack system from Inglese which was approximately $7000. Total parts cost was ~$60000. So big ticket items amounted to 95% of parts.

Paint was another $9500. I did most of the body work

New Tools was ~$3200. Of course, we hardly need an excuse to buy tools :-)

And then there are local taxes and registration. Death and taxes are the only certainties in life :-)

What you can insure this car for is a whole discussion of itself ...