On the advice of an excellent resource I moved the line for the rear brakes to inside the footbox. I ran the line forward, down the inside, and to a -3AN 90 degree bulkhead in the floor.

I ran the line along the 4" frame tube, up the rear fame tube, and to the bulkhead tee. I filled the master cylinders with fluid and bled them. A lot of air that took a loooong time to get burped out. Once the bubbles and foam stopped I reconnected the front and rear lines to the master cylinders and did a vacuum bleed at each of the calipers. Once there was clear flow into the bottle i applied foot pressure to the brake pedal - NO LEAKS! I did have a couple small weeps at 2 of the banjo fittings, only requiring slight tightening. The system will still require a final bleeding.