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Thread: DIY Vintage Period Correct Girling Brake Reservoirs

  1. #1
    Senior Member ehansen007's Avatar
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    DIY Vintage Period Correct Girling Brake Reservoirs

    This is my second go at making these reservoirs and although there is information out there, a lot of the parts have changed or are unavailable. Here is my write up on this fun little project:


    Cans- Basco- $21 for three cans shipped with tax.

    Girling Lids and Stickers x3 (no longer water transfer) $74 Shipped

    Actually I just realized you can get better, cheaper stickers here. I didn't notice mine didn't have the white outline. Not sure which is actually correct but I like the white outline better.

    Brass 5/16" Bulkhead fittings (or 1/4" if you prefer) x2 pack $22

    Clamps: made myself for $20 with hardware

    Paint- VHT Epoxy paint- $14

    Acrylic Clear $14

    All in: $155

    Prepping Cans

    Drill it. The metal is thin so best to angle it around a bit to get rid of any flared slag within the hold. This will flatten the hold for a good seat

    Insert Bulkhead fittings with washers. I used some fuel-safe RTV to seal it.

    Tighten those suckers down clean the excess off with Acetone

    Scuff em' with scotch brite pad to get em' roughed up like the one on the left.

    Make up some brackets with some steel strap stock. Drill holes and test fit hardware
    Last edited by ehansen007; 12-12-2024 at 11:20 AM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member ehansen007's Avatar
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    Next, mask em' up and shoot em' with etching primer for a good hold. Shoot them with the lids on so as not to get the threads of the can.

    Hit the cans and the brackets with the black VHT epoxy paint or any black to be honest...I did a test and it looked like the VHT paint came off pretty quick when exposed to brake fluid. So I tested the Rustoleum Acrylic clear and it helped a lot, it faded a bit but didn't wipe off.

    Put the stickers on first, THEN clear coat them along with the brackets!
    Last edited by ehansen007; 12-12-2024 at 01:09 AM.

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  4. #3

    Steve >> aka: GoDadGo
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  6. #4
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    Thank you for posting this!!

    I found another source for the cans. The cost is about the same as the link you posted but shipping is significantly less.

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