These are currently out of stock.

I just wanted to let everyone know that we have had a bit of a run on the shim kits lately. Because I have changed the process for manufacturing these slightly, and the facts that I have a couple major projects in the works that need to be complete by the end of the year, I do not believe I will be able to have the currently backlogged 4000 stampings done and the kits back in stock before the end of 2012.

I apologize for this, and really this is not good for us either as this item is one of our major sellers, but circumstances have just made these a time consuming production product, and it has proven difficult to turn out the level of shims in the quantities required. I am looking at stream lining the process, but the first step was to get the item to be the best it can be, which, I believe, is where we are at now.

So I do need to look at how to streamline things and be able to make these faster, and probably also in larger quantities at one time. Both good problems to have, but certainly isn't good for the builders that need the parts NOW! and I understand that.

I will do my best to get these back in stock ASAP, as the raw materials sitting in the shop 3/4ers done does no one any good.

Thanks for understanding and working with us as faces the challenges of providing larger quantities of products that are in demand.