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Thread: Cockpit Rear Outside Corner - Left and Right - Reference Picture for Riveting

  1. #1
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    Cockpit Rear Outside Corner - Left and Right - Reference Picture for Riveting

    Does anyone have a reference picture that I can utilize for the cockpit rear outside corners? I have looked at multiple build pages and can see deltas on how these are supposed to be riveted. Additionally, I cannot see any reference if the corners should be riveted to the hatch sides as they have a piece that bends right behind the corner?.?.?

    From what I can tell it should only riveted to the cockpit floor, cockpit under door, and the cockpit rear wall and NOT to any other panel and/or the frame at the back of the cockpit. Is that correct?

    I am trying to get everything drilled before sending to powder coating (I know these are put in after the body is placed).




  2. #2
    Senior Member F500guy's Avatar
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    Check out this picture see if it helps.
    Cockpit Interior Aluminum Picture Early Construction.JPG
    MK IV Delivered June 27, 2023 Build Thread-

    "Build a Car" They Said "It Will Be Fun "

  3. #3
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    Thanks @F500guy but looking for a Coupe pic.

  4. #4
    Senior Member edwardb's Avatar
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    Would like to help, but not completely sure which part you're asking about. Can you post a picture?
    Build 1: Mk3 Roadster #5125. Sold 11/08/2014. Build 2: Mk4 Roadster #7750. Sold 04/10/2017. Build Thread
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by edwardb View Post
    Would like to help, but not completely sure which part you're asking about. Can you post a picture?
    Thank you! Here are the two pics from the pass side:

    Cockpit Rear Outside Corner, Right:
    Rear Cockpit Outside Corner - Pass.jpg

    Hatch Side, Right (this is what is at the back side of the cockpit corner):
    Hatch Side - Pass.jpg
    Attached Images Attached Images

  6. #6
    Senior Member edwardb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wedel456 View Post
    ...From what I can tell it should only riveted to the cockpit floor, cockpit under door, and the cockpit rear wall and NOT to any other panel and/or the frame at the back of the cockpit. Is that correct?

    I am trying to get everything drilled before sending to powder coating (I know these are put in after the body is placed).



    Quote Originally Posted by wedel456 View Post
    Thank you! Here are the two pics from the pass side:
    I thought those were probably the pieces you were asking about but just wanted to make sure. If you follow the manual instructions, they get installed after the body is installed. Sounds like you plan to do that. Which is also what I did on mine. In that case, the locations you describe are the only possible places to rivet. Access to the rest will be covered by the body. Note the carpet covers the entire piece, including between the panel and the roll bar at the top. I just looked at mine to confirm my memory on that. Some will say you can put this piece in before the body is installed. Don't know. Didn't try it and don't see a big advantage. Wouldn't change how it's rivet though IMO. Hope that helps.
    Build 1: Mk3 Roadster #5125. Sold 11/08/2014. Build 2: Mk4 Roadster #7750. Sold 04/10/2017. Build Thread
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by edwardb View Post
    I thought those were probably the pieces you were asking about but just wanted to make sure. If you follow the manual instructions, they get installed after the body is installed. Sounds like you plan to do that. Which is also what I did on mine. In that case, the locations you describe are the only possible places to rivet. Access to the rest will be covered by the body. Note the carpet covers the entire piece, including between the panel and the roll bar at the top. I just looked at mine to confirm my memory on that. Some will say you can put this piece in before the body is installed. Don't know. Didn't try it and don't see a big advantage. Wouldn't change how it's rivet though IMO. Hope that helps.
    Thank you for the confirmation! That is what I thought, too; however, I watched a video from i.e.427 but in his video he installed the panel *before* the body and placed the it behind the flanges and riveted it to the frame, too.

    Can you advise if you riveted the cockpit corner to the hatch side? In the pic above, there is a flange that looks like it could connect but I do not see anything in the manual about where/how to rivet (could not find a picture, either).

  8. #8
    Senior Member edwardb's Avatar
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    Yeah, I can only describe what I did and what worked for me. As I said, others have chosen to install the cockpit corners before the body and claim it's no big deal. I don't know. I followed the manual and it worked OK. As for hatch sides, those too the manual says to install after the body is on and some say those can be installed before the body as well. Again, I followed the manual. The hatch sides do get riveted to the rear corners. Just looked at my pictures and the Coupe and confirmed I riveted from inside the rear wheel wells. I will only say that both piece's (the cockpit corners and the hatchback sides) positions are somewhat influenced by the body for the best fit. You'll have to choose what advice to follow.
    Build 1: Mk3 Roadster #5125. Sold 11/08/2014. Build 2: Mk4 Roadster #7750. Sold 04/10/2017. Build Thread
    Build 3: Mk4 Roadster 20th Anniversary #8674. Sold 09/07/2020. Build Thread and Video. Build 4: Gen 3 Type 65 Coupe #59. Gen 3 Coyote. Legal 03/04/2020. Build Thread and Video
    Build 5: 35 Hot Rod Truck #138. LS3 and 4L65E auto. Rcvd 01/05/2021. Legal 04/20/2023. Build Thread. Sold 11/9/2023.

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