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Thread: Front turn signal lights pointing down.

  1. #1
    mburger's Avatar
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    Front turn signal lights pointing down.

    Hey all,

    I just mounted my front turn signal lights on the front of my 289. Due to the shape / slope of the body in the area, the lights are pointing way down. It doesn't look right, but this is how the body is shaped there. Has anyone made any custom bezels or have done anything in that area so the turn signal lights don't look so odd?
    Gone but not forgotten. Mk1, Frame #1929 Complete restoration/upgrade.

  2. #2
    Not a waxer Jeff Kleiner's Avatar
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    Actually Mark the original 289, FIA and 427 cars all had their front marker lights like that. The pads on the body that place the lights vertically are replica thing. To your original question I don’t know of any bezels or whatever to use to make them vertical. I’m sure something could be 3D printed—-or there’s always bodywork.


  3. #3
    mburger's Avatar
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    Thanks Jeff! Henry sent me a photo earlier today and I've been searching through historic photos and yes, you are absolutely correct and if that's how they were, then I'm fine with them being that way.
    thanks again!
    Gone but not forgotten. Mk1, Frame #1929 Complete restoration/upgrade.

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