I have been surfing the forum for the past couple of years and visited FFR Last Fall. Was really close to ordering coupe at that time but just couldn’t step off the porch. After seeing Karen’s coupe at SEMA last year and talking with her for a few minutes, my mind was made up to do a completion coupe. Thanks Karin, you don't know how much our short visit and getting a close look at your car motivated me on this project.

I ordered my complete kit on May 9; Car was completed on June 15 and delivered by Bob from Stewart Transportation last Saturday Morning. Got the car unloaded, body off and onto buck (thanks DARKPT For the plans!) and the chassis on the lift with the help of a few friends. Did inventory during the week and will be starting the aluminum removal and hopefully start the chassis modifications this weekend.

I think I have a very good idea on the SIB’s thanks to Hank’s excellent instructions and the fuel cell protection thanks to various threads and blogs. However, I’m not too sure what is recommended / needed for the front of the chassis. Any help there would be appreciated.

I may need a double strength straight jacket. I’m already getting bi-polar. What a great car…What am I getting into?…This will be a fun project…How am I ever going to get all this done?…Can’t wait to get started…Am I really going to cut up and modify my brand new FFR coupe chassis?

Thanks to all the forum contributors for unknowingly motivating me to get this project started.

I'm new at posting so if i violate any protocols, please let me know and I'll straighten up.

Looking forward to a fun build and getting some coupes to Sebring.
