I did a GTM calendar last year and I think it turned out pretty good. I learned a few things and my sister said she would help me out again this year. One thing I learned last year, is getting GTM guys to send me pictures is like pulling teeth. So I call on my GTM buddies to help me out here. How about if you guys help me remember all the cars that graduated this year. I'll send them PM asking for the following. (I already have Kalstars pictures so you can cross him off your list.)

1) Two or three full size images of their car. The best pictures to use are well lit and without distractions in the back ground. I dislike having to crop out people (other than the owner or family. I like those in the picture) or other cars. Your car should be the star of the shot. I also like shots that have never been posted before.

2) I like to include a little Bio about the car and the owner. Info like

Start date
Finish date
Owners name
Where located

I prefer to start out with cars that were completed this year but as the deadline gets closer I get a little less picky. Speaking of deadlines. I want to have all pictures in by Nov 15th. That way I can have The finished calendars available by the first of Dec in time for Christmas. By the way I printed some coffee mugs and mouse pads for myself last year. they were great stocking stuffers

If you would like to submit your car pictures and Bio information, please do !!!
Send them to [email protected].

