This is my first hot rod with a EFI system. I've done multiple carbs mostly and to say they can be a PITA is an understatement. However, at least, you feel like you can tune the engine. With the Ford EFI system, there isn't a lot you can do past the basic timing. I have not been concentrating on the engine tune much as I have other "fish to fry" so to speak. But now I'm focusing on what I can do until I can change the computer or get outside help at a dyno shop. I'm checking them out. Got two recommendations last night. I've had a hard time telling if I have the basic timing right. I can't get the marks clear enough and the angle to see the timing is awkward. So I ordered a timing strip that is supposed to help. Once I verify that my timing is at about 13 degrees, I will feel better about that. I finally got to check my fuel rails (stock) with a proper gauge and found that before start the pressure is 40 psi. After start, it varies between 38.5 and 39. My idle is not steady so that could be the variation from the change in manifold pressure. The only thing I haven't checked is the coil which is also a stock one.

My plan is to go to an after market computer but that is after tires and a couple of other major purchases so I need to get this thing running cleanly. Right now it is stumbling at about 4 to 4.5K rpms. It also will have a slight miss intermittently at various speeds but not continuous. When I first got it running, I let it loose to see what it would do and it wound up to 6K so fast it surprised me. However, it has developed this stumble so now it does not perform as it did. The timing has been fiddled with some but I thought I had it right. That's why the timing stripe. The car runs good most of the time and starts every time so it's kind of difficult for me to understand. I guess I should get the wide band A/R sensor installed as that will be a requirement for the aftermarket chip and it's not that expensive. But still don't know if the limitations of the stock system will make the A/R sensor not that useful until the other computer stuff is added.

If I can get the stutter or stumble or whatever you call it out, I think I would be happy for a while at least. This little problem is actually keeping me alive so I can't complain too much.

Thanks for any help you can suggest.