I got quotes back from the shops and have worked out pricing. Unfortunately the hinge base is a multi-setup part so the cost is higher than the flat plates (as expected) but drops significantly at quantities of 10 pairs. Kit would include all hardware needed, two bases (LH and RH versions), a straight drop arm (x2), and a curved arm (x2). Pieces aren't available yet, I still need to finish up the prototypes and deliver them to the product testers to ensure they work. This replaces the steel FFR arm and the OEM hood hinge that FFR has you cut up and reuse on the trunk. If you have the rear brace from me, these clear that brace.

Cost: With 5 orders, cost is $275. With 10 orders, cost is $215. 15 orders cost drops to $200 (not as much savings in part cost between 10 and 15 as there was between 5 and 10) Due to the high cost of ordering all the parts, this will be setup as a group buy with 50% due when order is placed with the shop to ensure I don't get stuck with a few thousand dollars worth of parts on a shelf.

Recent photos of the v3 prototypes:

V2 on left, V3 on right (thinned up to save weight)

V3 base in front, V2 base on back (altered to give more clearance with engine cover)

Older photos showing rev 1 and rev 2 (gives a better idea of assembly)

Bottom photo (top is the rev 1 proto), curved arm not shown.

Assembly on the left (right is the rev 1 proto all hacked up)