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Thread: Body Alignment questions re front end

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    Member olda4guy's Avatar
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    Body Alignment questions re front end

    Hi all,
    I've been following with interest the many discussions re correctly aligning the front end of the roadster body with the frame, especially the height over the 3/4 tubes, and left/right centering over the wheels. I just installed the body on my mark IV for the first time (using the coupling nuts in the rear and the new-design steel brackets in front that attach to the parking light holes and quick jack mounts), and have some questions re alignment.

    Some earlier threads on this task, especially from EdwardB, Jeff Kleiner and CraigS, mention a potential need to bend the DS front quick jack mount toward the PS to get the front body centered over the wheels. Is there ever a need to bend BOTH QJ mounts toward the PS? I have pix below (sorry, some might be sideways), but I've moved the body as far toward the PS as possible, given the new brackets and without doing any bending so far, and not only is it about 3/4" too far toward the DS, but the factory-drilled QJ holes are up against the QJ's on the PS, so bending the DS QJ mounts alone will not allow the body to go any farther toward the PS. At present, the PS front tire sticks out about 3/4" beyond the wheel well, while the DS tire is flush, and measuring from the wheel well edge to the shock tower on either side also shows the body about 3/4" over toward the DS.

    I'm tempted to leave things as is, as it doesn't look bad at all, and the only fixes I can see are to bend BOTH QJ mounts toward the PS about 3/4", and/or to enlarge the QJ holes to provide clearance. Any ideas or advice on what I should do here would be greatly appreciated. Oh, and as the pix show the factory exhaust cutouts appear to be too low and small, even though I've rotated the engine level in the mounts. Is it typical to have to enlarge these?

    Jim K - OldA4guy
    Great Falls, VA
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