Got the engine and tranny in as well as the rear end. Everything seem to fit great. Bolt holes lined up on all the mounts without having to persuade anything or re-drill any holes. Everything fell right into place. Sound great so far.

Assembled and installed my E-Brake handle and cable as well as the supplied drive shaft and it looks like the drive shaft may be too short by 1" - 1.5", and there is only aobut 3/8" clearance between the driveshaft yolk and the E-brake cable. Does this look normal? attached pics for visual.

Engine Tranny combo is 351w with TKO 600 (TR 3550)


It just seems to me that the yolk should be closer to the tranny and there should be more than 3/8" clearance between the drive shaft and the E-Brake Cables.
