Have any Colorado builders gone through the state inspection process? If so, can you share your experience? Does Colorado require windshield wipers, and if so, are the manual "clamp-on" type acceptable?
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Have any Colorado builders gone through the state inspection process? If so, can you share your experience? Does Colorado require windshield wipers, and if so, are the manual "clamp-on" type acceptable?
My Build Thread: http://thefactoryfiveforum.com/showt...ter-Build-9754
(Most viewed Roadster build thread on this forum!)
Delivered: 6/17/2017
First Start: 12/30/2017
Completed: 12/7/2019
Legal: 1/30/2020
Member of the The Gateway Cobra Club
Dave's Cobra YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbk...npK1UZHj4R-bYQ
Agora 1:8 Scale Cobra Build: https://thefactoryfiveforum.com/show...l-Build-Thread