Hello gentlemen, this is my first post on these forums.

My business partner and I think it would be a good ol time to buy a Mk4 kit and put er together. Been researching for 2 days now and have reached out to FFR for some help but I figured I would supplement with asking some questions on here as well.

So I've reviewed the website and particularly the sections about importing to Canada. I used to import racing tires from California commercially so i have some experience with the borders and how that sort of stuff goes. I think the customs broker is the way I would go for a kit.

I also have played with the order form and used the info and attachments available to decifer what is and is not included in the Canadian kit.

This brings me to my first question for all of you: Am I correct that the Canadian Mk4 kit assumes and basically demands that you have a donor car?

Thanks for your replies and i'm sure i will have more questions coming soon.