Things are about to get Real again :0 :0
March 24th is coming fast.
as many know we just shipped the body off to paint. Middletown PA. MAACO
I spent 2 days prepping the body for paint, sanding the seams, a little filler, fitting the rear spoiler. etc.
then we fitted 2 rolling carts to move the body, and nose on , MAACO will hang the rest.
They are going to paint the body GM arctic white.
we will receive the body back on the 16th of this month.
John is due to arrive the night of the 17th and we will begin working on the coupe the morning of the 18th.
John again will be doing the live feed on youtube.
I will be doing a 1hr. live feed each day on my facebook until the coupe is finished.
we plan on finishing her by the evening of the 22nd.
thursday 23rd we load her up and trailer her down to VIR. we will be testing for 3 days march 24,25,26 if everything goes well
we will be there for all three days. if not so well LESS days.
IF it is expected to rain we will not be going to VIR. we will instead be doing a local auto x at HERSHEY.
Wish us luck and stay tuned its about to get busy.