Registration in British Columbia (BC) Canada
Got my car registered and plated on Monday, so now I can share the process for those of you still to get here.
Mine is the #1 818S to be registered in BC. (this process would also apply to registering an FFR GTM in BC)
1 - go to the ICBC (insurance company) website and download the form "application form for a BC assigned VIN".
The link is.....
2 - Follow the application instructions, which are fairly straightforward, but register for a "Ubilt", and make sure you include the photos per the application.
You will need to designate an inspection facility for your car. DO NOT take it to any inspection facility. Contact Al Beix from Western Cobras - he is a vendor on this forum, or myself for a recommended inspection facility that is favourable to hot rods. I went to KR Auto Clinic in Langley. 604 533-3376.
ICBC will not accept an application for a replikit or a kit car. Those only apply to vehicles which are replications of cars 40 years old or more (like the FFR cobras).
It took about 3 - 4 weeks for them to process my application.
3 - ICBC will send the VIN Plate to the inspection facility and they will install it on your car if it passes. ICBC will also send you a letter stating that your VIN is approved, and it outlines your next steps in writing, and has instructions for the Autoplan agent. You have 30 days to get it inspected, but they told me they aren't to strict on the 30 days.
4 - Go to an Autoplan agent and ask for a temporary permit to drive your car from point A (home) to point B (the inspection facility) and back. I had to show them the ICBC letter, and then it was no problem to get the permit for an "unregistered" vehicle.
5 - get your car inspected.
Prior to the inspection, I called to ask them what they check.
There is a form online with requirements.....
They are looking for all safety related items, lights, signals, mirrors, seat belts, secure steering linkage and suspension connections, good tires and wheels etc. I specifically asked if I needed a catalytic converter.... not required, and they don't check. Also, they don't check for "check engine" lights on the instrument panel. The inspection took an hour. Cost - $125.
6 - take your car to a weigh station. I took mine to the North Shore Transfer station (recycling depot), and paid $15 for the weigh and weigh slip with permit number referenced.
7 - take the original VIN application information & GST & provincial sales tax receipts, the inspection report, and weigh slip to an Autoplan agent, who will register your car, plate and insure it.
Good luck
Last edited by Harley818; 08-04-2017 at 01:06 AM.
Bought 2002 Donor Jan 2014
First Start Jan 18, 2015
First Drive Feb 14, 2015
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