It's time to nominate for the 10th Annual Robert Feddersen Memorial - Factory Five Racing Legacy Award!

Note: There is a new nomination method, a survey form with a link at the bottom.

Background on the award from Factory Five:

Factory Five Racing is proud to announce the ‘Annual Robert Feddersen Memorial - Factory Five Legacy Award.

Each year, nominations will be accepted from the Factory Five community for those individuals who completely embrace the giving spirit and helpful way of Robert Feddersen and many other Factory Five community members across the nation and around the world. Roberts kind heart will always be remembered through this award and help remind us to give what we can to help others."

The past winners are:

2009 - Greg Marsh
2010 - Paul Mastroianni
2011 - Karen Salvaggio
2012 - David Hodgkins
2013 - Don Vaught
2014 - Sean Lamontagne
2015 - Frank Maslowski
2016 - Wade Chamberlain
2017 - Paul Borror

So having said that, please nominate those people that you feel had the "way above and beyond, helping, giving spirit and brotherhood" that Robert (as well as the past winners of this award) have shown.

Please use the Nomination Form below:


Please enter the person's name and possibly the screen name here on here or 'the other place'. Most importantly, please write in as much detail as you think will be helpful why the person would be a great choice.

Nominations will be accepted until midnight on Saturday, March 3rd.

Since the FFR Open House is not going to run this year, this year's winner will be announced at the Huntington Beach event.

David Hodgkins and the have announced that they're going to run a small fundraiser to collect enough money to fly the winner out to California to be there to accept the trophy in person. If the winner happens to live in the Socal area, the proceeds will be dontated to Team Jenny. Dave will have more information on that ASAP.

I'm going to be cross-posting this on both this board and 'the other place' to make sure everyone has the chance to nominate the person they feel so strongly about.


Randy and the selection committee.