
Has anyone run into a problem with indicator lights. I just attached my dash temporarily so I can Go Kart the car. The gauges all worked fine, lights too. Problem is both directional Led indicators lights are on at the connection of the battery and don’t go off unless I turn the directional on. If I use a volt meter at the end of the wire marked right turn indicator light blue (with the battery connected) is always hot. Same with the Green wire marked Left dash indicator light, also hot. My feeling are they should only be hot when turned on. From here the wires disappear into the monster of a wiring harness never to be seen again. On pg 29 of the “Chassis Wiring Harness” is the configuration I used.

Also the flasher switch. Are the flashers on when pushed in or out. The flashers work when out and off when in, the way I am wired now.

Question 2 Does the temp sender at the bottom of the radiator produce enough voltage to trip the relay. My fans don’t come on even at 200 degrees unless I use a switch that grounds the relay. Temp is good at 180 when the fans are on.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks TomH33