So after a long hiatus I am back building.

Is always interesting what curves must be navigated.

Attempting to keep a long story short, I was sidelined by injuries from some aircraft accidents catching up with me. A few surgeries, a bunch of PT and some good old fashioned will has me able to walk, bend and use my dominant arm again in an acceptable enough fashion so its time to start building again.

And start again I shall. Because while I was convalescing I also retired from the military and moved to NC. However they would not move a "car" so I had to completely disassemble my running go-cart (down to the frame) in order to move it. So back to step 1. Well 1.5, the cockpit panels were already on it.

Got all the suspension and steering rack back in it this past weekend.

Hoping to have the tranny taken apart, the new LSD put in it and get the tranny and engine back together this coming weekend.
Maybe swap some CVs around.

What I spent my time building while I couldn't turn wrenches.
