I have a set of ceramic coated pipes that I purchased from a forum member. They have rusted through the finish and I’m torn as to what to do. I can have them chromed locally and save a few bucks but knowing myself like I do.... I will not be happy with the finish blueing over time and I will want them record them once they discolor too much. That was my thinking behind get ceramic coated pipes. The finish on these pipes has not held up and is not very shiny.

What kind of prices are you guys seeing on chroming your side pipes or ceramic coating them.
Anyone have any input on stainless pipes? I know they are pricey but do they hold up better?

If it’s part of owning the car, and I get discoloration and need to recoat them every two to 3 years, I can save a ton with chrome being that I can drive 45 minutes to have it done. Ceramic will require shipping two ways and that’s going to add substantially to the cost if I have to continually recoat them.

I guess what I am asking is... what would you do in my shoes? Should ceramic last longer and be shinier than what I have now? Is chrome a good option? One thing I know for sure is that I love the sound of the factory pipes. I do not want to muffle it any!

Thanks for any help