Hi all from Quebec City, Canada. I made my deposit this week for a Coupe 65.
Last May I went at Mott College to attend the build school.
And this October I went for a small road trip to Wareham to visit FFR. Dave and Dan were awesome at taking their time so I could visit the factory and ask all the questions about everything related to my dream project.
So you guys will be in for a treat...I知 a pencil pusher by trade not a wrench guy but I don稚 mind getting grease on my hands and forefront.
I plan on building a very ォ bland サ Coupe compared to what some of you guys are working on, with all parts new from FFR and Valin, up here in Canada.
Be prepared for very basic questions...the kind some of you might read and slap their head thinking ォ What a green horn this Canuck is.. サ and that to be polite...but I知 ready to soak the heat in exchange for the wishdom you can provide all.
Wish me luck...