Once again I am confused. Seems like constant state of confusion.
I just installed my IRS. Keeping post short, I will just say that the F5 shorter axles were installed and the spindle/hub placed on the axle.
The old axle nuts, several of them from each side, came off the old axle and fit right on the new shorter ones.
My confusion comes into play in a couple areas.
I understand the torque value of these nuts is 250#. They are a thin nut, about 1/8 inch thick. It is hard for me to comprehend trying to torque that nut, along with several others after it on same axle to 250# I have no problem buying new nuts, just have to find a source for them and that in itself seems to be difficult.
Now, my other related issue, This web site, Chelton manual and everything I read tends to say these nuts are 36mm. Mine are 1 1/4inch. My 36mm deep drive is way too big. The nut fits exactly in the 1 1/4# socket. It's a 8.8 IRS supposedly out of a 89 Tbird. Bought directly from F5, although in 2005. As said, the shorter Axles are in place and the old nuts fit nicely. What is correct Torgue and why are my nuts (lol) 1 1/4"?

Any help will be appreciated. Any known souce for better quality nuts?
