Hey all, I've finally reached a point financially where I'm starting to get a little more serious about ordering a car, WAHOO! My plan is to get a complete kit with IRS and go from there, I don't have all of my options figured out yet though. I thinking a mild 351W build for the motor, something not too over the top though, I don't really have any track day aspirations (for now) or auto cross in mind for the car. I do kinda need some direction in transmission though, What are the good/bad aspects of the transmissions that we have available to us? My hope was to find one used (hopefully attached to a motor) and refurbish/rebuild both of them. Any recommendations on this would be great.

A couple of other questions I had are about interior options:

Is power steering worth it, or even needed?

Same question for brakes?

I have to admit that I don't think I've ever owned or driven a car that didn't have power brakes, so I don't really know how a car behaves without them. One of my first cars did't have power steering though and it didn't bother me too much, that was a long time ago though. My thoughts for both are to have power assist on both.

Has anyone done heated and cooled seats? I've seen kits for this and thought the cooled seats would be a great option for the roadster since there no escaping the sun.

I have tons of more questions but this is a good place to start.

Cheers, Nate