Hi everyone from Northern Virginia. I've owned a Cobra replica from "another brand" for 19 years now. I've always had a soft spot for the Factory Five cars. I am now in a place in life where I have the garage space to build my own. I have been doing lots and lots of digging and I think the time has come to order a Type 65 Coupe R. I can't wait! My son is off to college now studying to be a mechanical engineer, so that will be handy too. I have been a life-long car guy (it is a genetic defect passed down from my father to me and from me to my son). I also have a 1982 Mercury Zephyr that I swapped a 347 stroker w/ a TKO 600 for my sleeper car.

I'm really impressed with the Factory Five community and all of the knowledge and friendly advice available here. I'm looking forward to taking advantage of that when I get to start building my own. I hope I'm also able to give back some along the way!