In the past I noticed that when I filled the gas up all the way I could smell gas in the garage. I didn’t see any fuel on the floor. Fast foreword to this last week when the roads were salt free and I went for a ride. Wow was that fun, you forget what it was like after a long winter. I did a counter clockwise donut and on the second time around I saw a line of fuel on the ground. When I came home I discovered that the pinch weld below where the filler neck goes into the tank through the grommet was covered with fuel. My questions are. Does the filler neck go all the way in so the bead rests against the grommet? Mine doesn’t. And mine is on a bit of a angle going through the grommet in order for it to attach to the fuel cap flange. I guess it may have also leaked from where the filler neck goes into the rubber hose. I noticed that the clamp was not all they way at the top of the hose where the hose clamp wasn’t at the very top so when looking in from the gas cap there is a gap until the clamp location.
