OK, so I've read through all the recent discussions about pinion angle, as well as Karlos' excellent writeup. I think I have an understanding of the concept and the goals, but given the importance of getting this right I wouldn't mind being sanity-checked that all's good. My setup is as follows: Gen 2 coyote, TKO 600 with 3/4" of spacers under trans mount, and IRS. My measurements are as follows:

Engine/trans: -0.5* (tail of trans is angled down)
Driveshaft: +0.5* (driveshaft is angled up, i.e., rear is higher than front)
IRS: +1.0*

I'm coming up with OA1 (operating angle 1: trans to DS) of 1.0* and OA2 (DS to IRS) of 0.5*. Therefore, I think I'm satisfying all three conditions:

1) operating angles within 1* of each other
2) maximum operating angle at either end = 3*
3) minimum continuous operating angle at least 0.5*

My only concern, and I'm not sure this is a valid concern, is that the engine and IRS are not co-planar, i.e., one is angled down while the other is angled up. If all three conditions above are met, is that an issue or am I OK?

Also, those with similar setups, do these numbers sound similar to what you have? The reason I ask is that I had initially measured the other day with my digital angle finder and was getting slightly different numbers (that put me out of spec) but that device was a little suspect as it had been accidentally dropped a few times and not all segments in the display were working. Before I started messing with the setup I figured I'd spend the $30 for a new digital angle finder. The new unit arrived today, and the above numbers are what I got from it.
