As I've read over the build threads, something has caught my eye with many of the cobra builds, not just FFRs and I'd like to draw some attention to it and ask about it.
Considering the fact that the battery is located in the rear and the main positive power wire is ran all the way up the frame rail to the front, I see very few people putting a main fuse or breaker on this wire right off the battery. This is a pretty serious thing IMO. For those that might not understand the severity, I will attempt to explain.
If for any reason, the positive battery cable's insulation would get rubbed/cut/damaged and allow the bare spot in the wire to touch the frame and make a connection, you would have a dead short to ground, and all the energy from the battery will be able to flow through this spot to ground. This would be large amounts of current, more than the battery cable can handle, thus melting the cable and potentially causing a fire.
Some may argue that they clamp the cable and may even put additional insulation around the cable, but what if you would get into an accident and that cable would get pinched/cut (a scenario nearly impossible to predict)?
You might argue that you put the battery dissconnect switch in and could shut it off, however if the fault would occur between the switch and battery, you would still have the same cable melt down issue.
I don't have my car yet, so I don't have the manual or wiring or anything so I could be off on this, but 95% of the builds I've looked at on here and on hurricanes sure I don't see anyone mention installing a fuse or breaker or some sort of protection for this cable.
I also don't want to start something or offend anyone, as an electrical engineer I take wire size and protection into account almost daily and this has bothered me about these cars since I started looking into them. If I'm off base on this I will be glad to gain wisdom and understanding from someone who may have already been down this road and would offer up a different opinion.

Also, if I were to do a breeze front mount I wouldn't worry about this issue since it'd be like 99.9% of cars on the road and the positive battery cable run very short.