I was very intimidated to start working on the harness. Once I started I find it oddly engaging. Maybe its the OCD kicking in, but sort of sleuthing out where each wire goes and how each circuit connects has been a good winter basement project.

Anyway, with the helpful info posted by Forum folks, I’ve completed kind of easy stuff; doors, interior lights, airbag, HVAC. My donor is a '06 STI and I'm nervous about cutting out all the ABS and DCCD stuff. I can imagine the hassle of trying to get it to start and figuring out what piece is missing.

So I’m looking for confirmation I guess from someone who used a similar donor. Can I remove that big ABS connector? All the DCCD controls, etc.?
My approach is to leave anything that is a question and take it out one by one after it runs, but any upfront help is appreciated.